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Erosion and Sediment Control Solutions for Construction and Landscaping

Effective Erosion Control Products for Long-Lasting Protection

Erosion and sediment control is crucial for maintaining a clean and safe environment during construction, landscaping, and other earth-moving activities. At, we offer a wide range of reliable, high-quality erosion and sediment control products designed to meet your project needs.

Whether you're dealing with stormwater runoff, slope stabilization, or sediment capture, our erosion control products provide effective solutions for all your requirements. Explore our selection of materials and tools to help prevent soil erosion, sedimentation, and water pollution.

Our friendly staff is here to help you get the exact product you need!.

Coir Logs and Wattles Options

Erosion Control Coir Wattles
erosion control coir wattles
Erosion Control Coir Logs
coir log
Straw Wattles
straw wattle

Gravel Bags
construction bmp

Filter Sock
filter sock

Compost Filter Sock
compost filter sock

Dewatering and Shoreline Control

Dewatering Bags
dewatering bags
Reusable Dewatering Bags
reusable dewatering bags
Geotextiles Tubes
geotextile tube
Breakwater Tubes
geo tube

Erosion Control Fencing

Erosion Control Silt Fence
erosion control silt fence
Wire Back Silt Fence
wire back silt fence

Staked Silt Barrier
silt control fence

Erosion Sediment Control Products

Choosing the right silt and erosion sediment control product for your location is often dependant on your project, site conditions, and on site requirements. Please feel free to view the information below to find out more about our products and how they can be used on your site.

Biodegradable Erosion Control Products

erosion control wattlesBiodegradable Erosion Control Products are a favorite for both job sites and restoration areas. As a completely natural solution, these erosion control coir wattle products require limited maintenance and are able to biodegrade and enrich the surrounding areas. Available options include the following:

Erosion Control Wattles:

  • Interior: Coir or Straw
  • Outer Netting Material: Coir Twine
  • Facts: Less Densely Packed than Coir Logs
  • Uses: Streams, Check Dams, Drains, Inlets, or Construction Sites

erosion control logsErosion Control Logs:

  • Interior Fabric: Coir Fibers
  • Exterior Netting: Coir Twine
  • Densely Packed Logs
  • Uses: Hills, River Banks, Streams, Lake Shores, Construction Sites

coir matsErosion Control Matting:

  • Materials: Coir, Straw, or Wood Fiber
  • Stabilize Locations until Vegetation can take Root
  • Biodegrade over Time
  • Uses: Hills, Banks, Shorelines

Biodegradable erosion sediment control products are typically used for either perimeter control, filtration or sediment containment around your facility. Often used in front of drains or along hills and streambanks for erosion control, these products can provide effective stabilization without creating long-lasting maintenance or disposal requirements.

Do you have questions about coir? Visit the Coir Products FAQ.

Dewatering Products

dewatering bagsSynthetic materials, such as dewatering bags or silt fencing, are commonly used for areas with higher demands or increased sediment storage requirements.

Sediment Filter Bags:
The sediment filter bag is frequently used around construction sites, collection ponds, or dredging areas to filter water or runoff. Bags can be made in compact sizing or in large dewatering tubes depending on the requirements of your location.

Erosion Control Fencing

erosion control silt fenceThe erosion control silt fence is one of the most commonly used options for retaining sediment and controlling silt in your location. Typical options include the following:

Want to build your own erosion control wall with bags? Check the Bulk Bags for Erosion Control page.

See also this affordable USA made alternative to coir: Excelsior Erosion Control Excelsior Logs.

Other Product Categories

erosion control matting woven geotextiles erosion control blanket
Erosion Control Matting Woven Geotextiles Erosion Control Blankets

Questions about erosion sediment control? We can help! Call our sales team at 1-863-261-8388 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your requirements.